This project sets to radically reduce lubricoolant during machining and contribute to transitioning towards greener production. The demand for aluminium extrusions increases rapidly due to automotive transition in to EV’s. Yet, the production technologies are not well used and strategies for sustainable machining of these aluminium grades are strongly limited.
The synergy of ECOALUM is driven by the goal to support the biggest supplier of aluminium alloy for the automotive industry in collaboration with the global leading coating company in combination with SME supplyers of machine tools, lubricoolant systems, cutting tools and academia from Sweden and the Czech Republic. Enabling technologies are novel tool geometries, – coatings and lubricoolant systems in combination with the use of modelling and simulation to shorten development and certification cycles.
The tailored solutions for the machining of extruded aluminium are expected to boost the revenues, innovation capabilities, and sustainability of the participating companies while supporting EU sustainability goals, contributing to reduced CO2-emissions, water usage and petroleum-based oils.
Further implementation in production could lead the end-user to an increasing turnover a by minimum of 10% for the solution providers.
Research domains are processes addressing challenges related to new emerging materials, hybrid processing strategies for minimum resource consumption and customization of products and processes, covering four main domains within the SMART roadmap.